
Modes and Equipment

I passed my General exam with code on August 12, 2006. Upgraded to Extra in August, 2013.

Operating on the HF bands  with an Icom IC-706 MKIIG using a Buddipole Deluxe (75 meters with NVIS wire kit).

I also operate portable with a TenTec Scout Model 555 with a Buddistick antenna and a MFJ-945E tuner. For the Scout, I have the 10, 17, 15, 20, 40 and 80 meter modules.

For mobile operation, I'm using a dual-band Yaesu FT-60 HT.


Since 2016, I've been dabbling in Digital Mobile Radio (DMR) using a TYT MD380 and MD390. Taking DMR on the road using a DVMega/Raspberry Pi hotspot with Internet access through my iPhone.

E-mail: darrell at KI4LLA dot US

Published on  May 16th, 2018